In the current digital era, the concept of virtual cards has revolutionized the way people make online purchases. With an increase in the number of online transactions, the need for secure and efficient payment methods has become more apparent. Virtual cards are an innovative solution to this problem. In this article, we will explore what virtual cards are, how they work, and the best virtual card provider for 2023.

What is a virtual card?

A virtual card is an electronic version of a traditional payment card. Instead of a physical card, a virtual card is a digital entity that represents a credit or debit card. Virtual cards are issued by financial institutions or payment providers and can be used to make online purchases.

Virtual cards can be issued by banks or credit card companies, or by advanced payment providers like PST.NET. Virtual cards, also known as VCCs, are designed to provide a secure and convenient method of payment for online purchases. When using a virtual card, the user simply inputs the card's information, which can be found in their virtual card account, into the payment form on the website they are making a purchase from.

How do you use a virtual card?

If you're wondering how to use a virtual card, the process is very similar to using a traditional payment card. When making an online purchase, you simply enter the virtual card details into the payment section on the website. These details typically include the virtual card number, expiration date, and security code, which can be found in your virtual card account. Once you've entered the details, the payment will be processed, and the transaction will be complete.

How do virtual cards work in general?

Virtual cards work in the same way as traditional payment cards. However, virtual cards work in a slightly different way than traditional payment cards in terms of underlying technology. Virtual cards are essentially a set of numbers that represent a payment card, rather than a physical card. This means that they can only be used for online transactions or over the phone, rather than in person at a physical store.There are several different types of virtual cards, each with its own unique features and benefits. Virtual credit cards, for example, allow you to make purchases on credit, just like a traditional credit card. Virtual debit cards, on the other hand, don’t have such abilities. Virtual prepaid cards are similar to debit cards, but they are loaded with a specific amount of money in advance, making them a great option for budgeting and limiting spending.

Digital cards and disposable cards are two other types of virtual cards that are gaining popularity. Digital cards are linked to a specific account, such as a digital wallet or mobile payment app, and can be used for online transactions. Disposable cards, on the other hand, are designed to be used once and then discarded, making them ideal for situations where you need to provide payment information but don't want to share your actual card details.

3.1 Virtual credit cards

What is a vertical credit card and how is it different from all other cards? Virtual credit cards work like traditional credit cards, but you can’t put them in your pocket (unless you add them to your digital wallets, however there are not too many services that let you do that). You can use them for online purchases, and they are usually issued with a specific amount of money (if they are prepaid ones) and for a limited time. You can top such virtual cards up and use those funds as well as there is some credit limit you can use and top the funds you owe afterwards.

3.2 Virtual debit cards

Virtual debit cards work like traditional debit cards, but they are not physical. You can use them for online purchases, or add them to digital wallets like Google Pay or Apple Pay for offline use as well. Virtual debit cards that can be linked to digital wallets can be found at PST.NET. Issue a card, top it up and you are ready to go!

3.3 Virtual prepaid cards

Virtual prepaid cards work in the same way. They are usually loaded with a specific amount. Such cards can be used multiple times for a set amount of time as long as the balance allows it, recharge option is usually unavailable for them.

3.4 Digital cards

Digital cards are virtual cards that are stored in digital wallets. You can use them for online purchases, and they are usually linked to the digital wallet itself or virtual card account.

3.5 Disposable cards

Disposable cards are virtual cards that can be used for a single transaction. Once the transaction is complete, the card details expire, and the card becomes invalid.

How to get a virtual credit card?

To get a virtual credit card, you need to apply for one with a financial institution or a payment provider. Some providers offer virtual credit cards for free, while others charge a fee. Application process is usually straightforward and can be completed online. To get a virtual card from PST.NET users should spend no more than 5 minutes.

What Makes Virtual Cards from PST the Best Solution?

PST Virtual Cards is the best virtual card provider for 2023 for several reasons:

5.1 Unique BINS

PST issues virtual cards with unique BINs, which enhances the overall cards performance in advertisement and other business related activities. When making online purchases or advertising purchases, payment card information is always required. However, if the same payment card information is used repeatedly, it can become vulnerable to cyber criminals who may steal the information and use it for fraudulent activities. Many advertising platforms, such as Facebook and Google, have strict policies on the use of payment cards. If a payment card is linked to multiple accounts or is flagged for suspicious activity, the account can be suspended or even permanently banned. This applies even for brand new cards in case their BINs are associated with such activities.

5.2 Deposit fee from 2%

PST.NET charges a deposit fee from only 2%, making it one of the most cost-effective virtual card providers on the market. Such attractive terms are available for everyone joined in PST Private program. Actual commissions depend on monthly spend, the more it is – the cheaper fees you get.

5.3 The first 100 cards for free

PST offers up to 100 free virtual cards for a test as a part of their PST Private program. The number of free cards one can get depends on the monthly spend as well. To enroll into the PST Private program users need to spend more than $30k on ads monthly, making it an excellent option for businesses and individuals with high media buying spend.

5.4 Funds withdrawal from the card to the account with 0% fee

VCC service charges 0% for withdrawing funds from the card to the account, so there are no problems in case you want to stop the advertising campaign and transfer the funds from one card to another. It makes running your ads more simple and efficient, helping you streamline your business processes on the go.

5.5 3D Secure is available

When it comes to online transactions, security is of the utmost importance. That's why virtual cards from PST offer 3D Secure, a free security protocol designed to provide an extra layer of protection for online purchases. 3D Secure requires the cardholder to enter a one-time code, which is sent to the user's account or through a connected Telegram bot. This makes it much harder for fraudsters to use stolen card information to make unauthorized purchases online and enhances the security of any online payments for service users. Plus it’s always better for media buying to have a 3DS card as they are more trusted by advertising platforms.

5.6 Instant issuance

If you need a virtual card fast, then VCCs from PST are what you are looking for. Signing up to service takes no more than a couple of minutes, and it takes even less to issue a card. Besides, with multiple cards issuance feature enabled, you can get as many cards as you want in seconds, as there are no limits on the number of cards.

5.7 Top up your account in any convenient way

Virtual card service PST makes it easy to add funds to your account, so you always have money available when you need it. We accept a variety of payment methods, including crypto (USDT, BTC), bank transfers and credit/debit cards. Plus, with our low deposit fee from 2%, you'll always get great value for your money.

5.8 Track your expenses in real-time

One of the biggest benefits of using virtual cards is the ability to track your spending in real-time. With PST Virtual Cards, you can monitor your transactions as they happen, so you always know how much money you've spent and where it's gone. This is great for budgeting and keeping your finances organized. Besides, you can download all the stats in .csv format and use the transaction details for any financial reports you may need.

Benefits of virtual cards

Now that we've covered how to get a virtual card and the features that virtual cards from PST.NET offer, let's take a look at some of the overall benefits of using virtual cards.

6.1 Safer online purchases

As we mentioned earlier, virtual cards provide an added layer of security for online transactions. Because they are not tied to your physical wallet or bank account, they can help protect your sensitive financial information from hackers and fraudsters. Additionally, virtual cards can often be used for one-time purchases, which can further reduce the risk of unauthorized transactions.

6.2 Manage subscriptions

If you have recurring subscriptions for services like streaming music, movies or gaming, virtual cards can be a great way to manage your subscriptions. You can set up a virtual card with a limit that matches the monthly subscription fee, so you won't have to worry about accidentally overspending or forgetting to cancel a subscription.

6.3 Instant activation

With virtual cards, you don't need to wait for a physical card to arrive. You can create and activate a new virtual card instantly, which is great for situations where you either need to make a purchase right away or need multiple cards for different purposes, including advertisement and business.

How do virtual card numbers differ from mobile wallets and payment apps?

Virtual card numbers, mobile wallets, and payment apps all offer different ways to make payments online and offline, but they work in different ways. Mobile wallets and payment apps typically store your payment information on your mobile device, allowing you to make purchases with just a few taps.


Are virtual cards safe to use?

Yes, virtual cards are generally considered to be a safe and secure way to make online purchases. Because they are not physical cards, they are less vulnerable to theft or fraud. Additionally, many virtual card providers offer additional security features, such as two-factor authentication and fraud monitoring, to help protect your account.

How do I get a virtual card with PST?

To get a virtual card with PST, you can simply sign up for an account on the website and follow the instructions to create your virtual card. You can also use your Google or Telegram account to log in. You will need just a couple of minutes to get a virtual card with PST Virtual Card service.

How many virtual cards can I add to my PST account?

With PST.NET, you can add as many virtual cards as you need to your account, making it a convenient solution for businesses and individuals alike. There are no spend limits as well as no limits on the number of cards that can be issued by users at PST.NET

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