Our new feature “Auto-Refill” is the easiest way to manage your PST.NET cards!

📥Auto-Refill makes it simple to maintain the required balance on your cards, just input the minimum balance threshold and the amount for the automatic top-up.
📥 Funds are debited from the corresponding currency accounts (USD cards will be deposited from USD accounts), in case of lack of funds, transfer will be made from other accounts (EUR, USDT, BTC).
📥 This feature is especially convenient for working with Facebook Ads, that's why Auto-Refill is enabled for our Facebook Premium cards by default.
📥Auto-Refill can be set up during the issuance of a new cards or at any time in the main menu of active cards. Card balances for auto-refill are updated every 5 minutes.

Optimizing your work process is our job 🙏

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